Saturday, June 11, 2022


 to R.L.

Paschal Lamb who ere the Sacrifice

fed us with your flesh, your blood

given to redeem our souls,

repeated giving in persona Christi

when bread and wine a priest consecrates,

bidding us eat the Body, the Blood,

partake of God’s Lamb;

sanctify us, anima Christi

rooting out cause of repeated sin.

Priest and Sacrifice, Lamb of God,

final oblation, sin-off’ring eternal

on the Cross accomplished,

when your cry triumphant

in our minds echoes

from malignant foe

our spirits are freed.

In your pierced heart

our hearts conceal;

unite our souls with Him who gave them

life at the start, renewed every time

we eat your Body, drink of your Blood,

O Paschal Lamb.

© 10 June 2022 by Ruth Heredia


Ruth Heredia is the originator and holds the copyright to all material on this blog unless credited to some source. Please do not use it or pass it off as your own work. That is theft. If you wish to link it, quote it, or reprint in whole or in part, please be courteous enough to seek my permission.

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