Friday, December 03, 2021

Recent finds that add to our picture of Rafael Sabatini’s life - 2

Another friendship, starting earlier, perhaps, and of long duration was Rafael Sabatini’s friendship with Leon M. Lion, who was also, like J.E. Harold Terry, a collaborator on a play.

At Christmas in 1917, Rafael gave Lion a copy of The Historical Nights’ Entertainment:

Copies given to “Theo Sheard” and to W.D. Scott-Moncrieff have the same wording except for the place and date.  In both these the last line reads: “London, Dec. 1917”.

By August 1946 the friendship between Rafael and Leon Lion had deepened, so that a copy of Turbulent Tales is signed thus:

In between, in July 1937, “Raffles” wrote to “My dear Leon” about a contract being drawn up between the two of them and Tom Walls over the production of a film to be made out of “The Snare, A Dramatic Comedy in Four Acts by Leon M. Lion and Rafael Sabatini” (as stated in the U.S. Copyright dated 30 Oct. 1917.  It ends:

For all this data, once again the credit goes to my friend, Ernest Romano!

There is more, not from my friend but about a writer we are both now attached to as ‘our friend’.  That is a long, complicated account of data, research, results, and my conclusions – which are not necessarily everyone else’s.  But it must wait.

Ruth Heredia is the originator and holds the copyright to all material on this blog unless credited to some source. Please do not use it or pass it off as your own work. That is theft. If you wish to link it, quote it, or reprint in whole or in part, please be courteous enough to seek my permission.

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