Friday, March 25, 2022



 to R.B.

O Thou of whose breath is my soul,

my spirit Thy fire doth impart;

closer than I to myself Thou art,

greater art Thou than my whole.


Thou my judge just, stern of brow;

compassionate Father art Thou.

Thou whose love’s beyond telling,

all other loves excelling;


The cosmos cannot Thee contain,

God Invisible seen in the pain

of Jesus thorn-crowned, crucified -

for sinners like me Thy Son died.


O Thou who my love doth so desire,

take it all – set me alight with Thy Fire.

 © 23 March 2022 by Ruth Heredia



O God Indefinable dare I define Thee,

with St. Thomas say “To be God is to be ‘to be’”?

Yet assuredly I say You are Love.

In Christ’s open heart, arms, above

me - shamed, overwhelmed, leaning on the Tree -

Your Love is the only reality.


© 23 March 2022 by Ruth Heredia




God made him a garden without any weed;

in that enclosed arbour he planted a seed. 

Eve tended it nine months until one night

she bore the new Adam, all angels' delight. 

Eve nursed him, cared for him until the Tree

claimed Adam, from death to set us free. 

Countless children he gave Eve, to love and raise;

took his garden to heaven, her whom we praise. 

Ave, Salve, Rejoice, we pray, sending her on high

greetings, petitions, songs of joy, or a sigh. 

Immaculata, Gloriosa Mater Dei

O Virgo Maria! 


© 23 March 2022 by Ruth Heredia


Ruth Heredia is the originator and holds the copyright to all material on this blog unless credited to some source. Please do not use it or pass it off as your own work. That is theft. If you wish to link it, quote it, or reprint in whole or in part, please be courteous enough to seek my permission.

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