Thursday, November 26, 2009


There have, from time to time, been entries about Rafael Sabatini in this blog. Any reader who wishes to explore the subject further could do no better than to visit -
and meet fellow seekers of Sabatini at -
The next entry is about the one and only - now alas! the late - initiator and kindly genius of both sites.

scribendi cacoethes


for DM

"A Web?" she scoffed, "To entrap me?"
"And a Net? More entanglement!"
But it was unavoidable,
That net with its world wide web.
Natheless with extreme caution
She tapped out her inquiry
For Sabatini, hight Rafael.
So commenced an adventure
She might well spin a tale from,
For the first place that she tried,
("website", they corrected her)
Was the best she could have found.
Enthralled, she explored it,
found a link to more enchantment –
It was called Project Gutenberg,
Open Sesame she named it.
And in it so much treasure
Unimagined, scarcely hoped for,
Novels she'd not yet read
By the loved Rafael.
But now she must know the master
Of cave and Sabatini lore;
The wizard who ruled a website
Brimful with such magic.
One Jesse he was, surnamed Knight,
(A name of promise, she thought),
And to him she did indite
An oldfashioned formal missive,
("email", they said, tut-tutting).
She began it with "Dear Sir";
Closed it with "Yours sincerely".
If he laughed, there was no sign of it,
His answer was kind, - yes, sincere,
And thus an ethereal friendship
Grew through a brief five years.
As a rocket that lights up a dark night,
So the knight lit a time of great trial.
As a rocket descends in a shower
Of jewel-like fiery sparks,
The lore-master suddenly vanished;
His legacy, opals of fire.
In them burns the flame of his goodness,
To light up the nights we must live through.

©2012 by Ruth Heredia

Ruth Heredia is the originator and holds the copyright to all material on this blog unless credited to some source. Please do not use it or pass it off as your own work. That is theft. If you wish to link it, quote it, or reprint in whole or in part, please be courteous enough to seek my permission.


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